CANCER SURVIVORS RAISED A HAPPY VIBE! Post author By Colleen Greeff Post date June 23, 2022 The home’s oldest resident, Doris Bennet, is a cancer survivor! Gifts and a cake in celebration of her upcoming 104th birthday were a highlight of the cancer awareness event held on 1 March, which was a team effort between Warriors with a Purpose, JCP Consulting, Brave Bag Foundation and GFH’s fundraiser and carers. Residents truly valued the hampers, the gifts and the information they received during the cancer awareness event held at GFH on 1 March 2022. Cancer survivor Renee Singh (centre) is the chairperson of Warriors with a Purpose, which collaborated with JCP Consulting and Brave Bag Foundation to put together a wonderful treat for residents while raising awareness of cancer GFH Residents’ Committee chair Sheila Charles is Renee Singh’s proud mom. Laughter activation coach Sue Jameson soon had everyone in stitches.